
At the Onslow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), our mission is to support and stimulate the local economy through a variety of innovative initiatives. We are proud to offer programs and events that cater to different segments of our community, fostering growth, collaboration, and success for businesses and individuals alike.

Our Key Initiatives

Business After Hours

Our "Business After Hours" events provide a relaxed and informal environment for local business owners and professionals to network, share ideas, and build valuable relationships. These gatherings are perfect for making new connections, discovering business opportunities, and staying updated on the latest industry trends.

Women of Onslow

The "Women of Onslow" initiative celebrates and supports the incredible contributions of women in our community. Through networking events, professional development workshops, and advocacy efforts, we aim to empower women in business, promote gender equality, and create a supportive network for female professionals and entrepreneurs.

Jobs in Onslow

OCCI's "Jobs in Onslow" initiative is dedicated to matching job seekers with employment opportunities in the region. Our goal is to reduce unemployment, support local businesses in finding the right talent, and strengthen the local workforce.

This is a great platform to advertise positions your businesses may have to potentially find a local employee and it is completely free to use.

Volunteer Hub

Our "Volunteer Hub" connects local volunteers with community projects and organizations in need of support. Whether you're looking to give back or need volunteers for your project, the Volunteer Hub is your go-to resource.

Short Courses

To ensure that our community remains competitive and skilled, OCCI partners with RTO's to offer a range of short courses across various disciplines. Designed to be flexible and accessible, our short courses help individuals and businesses stay ahead in a rapidly changing economy.

Digital Solutions

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for business success. The Digital Solutions Program is an Australian Government initiative that works with small business to make the most of digital tools and offers broader advice specific to your business. From building a professional website to mastering social media marketing, they provide the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital marketplace.

Young Entrepreneurs

OCCI is committed to nurturing the next generation of business leaders through our "Young Entrepreneurs" program. This initiative offers workshops, mentorship, and resources designed to help young individuals turn their innovative ideas into successful ventures. 

Shop Ashburton

The "Shop Ashburton" initiative aims to boost the local economy by encouraging residents to shop locally. The intent behind the program is to keep money within the community, support local jobs, and foster a thriving local marketplace.

Get Involved

We invite you to take advantage of these initiatives and join us in our efforts to boost the local economy. Whether you're a business owner, an aspiring entrepreneur, a job seeker, or a community member looking to make a difference, OCCI has something for you.